As a professional you have probably been told by now that Social Media is very important for business purposes. As a result many of you have probably created some sort of Social Media accounts. Whether it is LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or all three many of the same rules of sharing apply. It is easy to be under the impression that business and your personal life should be completely separate on Social Media but that is just not true any longer.
Social media is now a critical part of the way people in most walks of life communicate and a key part of how work gets done — from corporations to government.
Your Social Media connections are going to be a mix of your family, friends, and business connections. Some may even fall under multiple categories but they each have one thing in common, they have some type of relationship with you. Think about it this way, if you share 100% of business related content do you think your family and friends would still want to be connected with you on Social Media? Or the opposite, do you business connections want to see only content focused on your dog or your weekly plans?
This is why it is important to share a variety of content. If your companies website has a blog, event section, news updates, you should be sharing those, but mix in some general news articles you are interested in, share a post about your favorite sports team or your favorite food recipe. Your Social Media connections will not be upset if you share a variety of content. It will actually let all of your connections get to know you better.
My name is Mike Rautenstrauch. I am a client success manager at ClearView Social. I am a native of Buffalo, NY.