How To Schedule a Post on LinkedIn

App Illustrations

As originally seen on Forbes

How does she make the time? This is always the question asked by busy professionals when they admire the thriving, robust LinkedIn or Twitter profiles of a peer who is crushing it on social. They have a secret though, they schedule out their posts in advance. They pick out what to post, find a nice photo, draft a strong headline, and share all these posts at optimal times throughout the day. That may sound like an unending task of misery at worst, or a major interruption at worst.

But does LinkedIn provide a way to make it easier? Can I take all my motivation and schedule out posts in advance, doing a weeks worth of content in under an hour?



You can’t.

LinkedIn doesn’t have any scheduling features for personal pages or company pages, leaving you to spend all day on social media, or use a third-party tool.

Third-party tools make this dramatically easier. There are a couple of good options to simplify and schedule out posts to LinkedIn; you can look to Hootsuite as an individual users or tools like Smarp, or Clearview Social for larger organizations.

With Hootsuite, you plug in the links of the articles you want to share, and then pick the times you want each article to post.

For companies, you can use tools like Clearview Social that makes the sharing of content for a whole week as simple as clicking the “share all” button.

An administrator simply adds the URLs to be shared, approves the images and headlines that are pulled in automatically, and sends out the list of approved content by email or via push notification. All the images and content can be managed and approved at the admin level.

Hopefully, LinkedIn will put in a scheduling feature, but for now, third-parties tools seem very capable of picking up the slack.

If you have had success using a different tool to schedule LinkedIn posts, email me here:, or shoot me a tweet @adriandayton.

As originally seen on Forbes