New How-To Clearview Social Video Tutorials

Clearview Social: How-to videos now on Youtube

ClearView Social is pleased to announce a new series of how-to video tutorials. Each tutorial will be short and sweet and will cover the most common questions about using the ClearView Social platform. We hope these will be helpful resources to you and your team.

The host of these tutorials is our Chief Technology Officer, Bill Boulden, who—along with his team—are responsible for building and maintaining the CVS software. There is no one who understands the technology, features, and the abilities of ClearView Social software better than Bill.

A little more about Bill... First, you'll need to throw any and all CTO stereotypes out the window, friends, because they don't fit. You'll likely note that our CTO has pink hair. Yes, pink! And it's fabulous. Another surprising thing about our CTO? He is a music producer and DJ and his weekly broadcasts have an international following. Seriously. Check out DJ Spruke after hours here. On the traditional CTO side of things, Bill has more than a decade of developmental experience in apps both desktop, web, and mobile, as well as behind the scenes infrastructural expertise. He comes from successful roles architecting APIs at Delaware North Companies and senior engineering/team leading at Seevast, Inc.

Now, back to the tutorials. . . You can view the first two tutorials at the links below:

Queue-building basics

Queue-building advanced

Stay tuned for more. If there are topics you hope we'll cover, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

Happy queue building!