Seasonal content is good, but trending content is better


While it’s important to have some kind of social media plan, it’s also important to take advantage of the memes and trending topics that can’t be planned for. When reading the article below, I noticed some great content topics to plan for but it also made me think of how many of these topics spontaneously trend on social media. For example, during January the hashtag #StupidQuestionsForAlexa began trending without warning. As Marketing Coordinator, I took this opportunity to exercise humor on our social media page while also keeping the joke relevant to marketing by tweeting, “Alexa! Make me a #Content #Calendar for the entire year.” This tweet ended up being our second most popular post for the month of January. So moral of the story is planning is good but keeping a watchful eye on the spontaneous topics that can’t be foreseen may be better.

Here are some ideas for seasonal content this Spring:

March is prime time for information about nutrition, success, humor, and being outside. So why not create seasonal content that will help your business build customer relationships and make sales? Content marketing is the act of creating, publishing, and distributing articles, podcasts, or videos with the aim of attracting, engaging, and retaining customers. It works on the principle of reciprocity — exchanging things for mutual benefit.

Ideas for trending topics can be found on Twitter, Facebook and pretty much any major news site that had a “most read posts” section.

This post was written by Whitney Singleton. Whitney is the new Marketing Coordinator at ClearView Social. She is also the Social Media Manager for the ClearView Social Platinum Elite Facebook Group, an invite-only group for the top 1% of all the users on the ClearView Social Platform. You can email her here: