An Inspiration-Seeking Blogger’s Guide to Success | Clearview Social

The Problem:

You want to start a blog, or update your current blog, but you’ve run out of ideas. It feels like every topic has been covered, and indeed, there is nothing new under the sun.

You might be surprised to find out, however, that your particular expertise or experience may lend an interesting perspective on a topic. You might even have something to say that hasn’t been thought of before. At least, not entirely. Sometimes it just takes a small spark, a starting point, to get a blog post naturally flowing with your tone.

This is Eric Adams, Senior Full-Stack Engineer for ClearView Social. Trying to solve this problem—to provide inspiration—has actually been a pretty big concern of mine lately! This is why I’m here to talk about something new that I’ve helped develop over the last several months.

The Solution:

There are several good solutions out there that can help inspire your next post, and we’re going to focus on one in particular—sourcing content from the web:

Fishing for content ideas (excuse the pun) may seem like a long process, representing additional hours of research on an already time-crunched project, but it’s possible to generate new content ideas in 15 minutes or less. Even better, there are multiple approaches that can help you do it.

Sourcing web content is actually a great way to get some thoughts “injected” into your next blog post. It works great when you:

  • are reviewing an article, or product
  • have a unique perspective to add
  • want to sound-off on an issue

Having web content as a starting point for a new post also can help set the tone of your article, so it’s important to think about what you’re sourcing. Is it reliable? Is it professional? Do these questions even matter? (no seriously, you might just want to write *gasp* for fun!)

Regardless of your goals, using quality web content as a starting point for your blog post is a huge step towards success as a blogger.



We have a new product called Posthaste that aims to make sourcing content from the web an efficient and even enjoyable process.

Keep on the lookout for more announcements, and until then, Happy Sharing (and Blogging!)

Eric is a Senior Full-Stack Engineer for ClearView Social. He has worked in the web development world for more than 15 years. He’s done time as an author and speaker, and is the organizer of the JavaScript Meetup Group, BuffaloJS.

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