“Am I sharing too much?” This is the age-old question when using social media and to be honest, it depends. When it comes to over-sharing you want to take the following factors into consideration: What social network you’re sharing to, what time of day it is, and of course how often you are posting. Each social media site has exclusive rules when it comes to what is considered oversharing. Let’s go over the rules for the following social networks: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
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When it comes to Twitter, you want to share between three and five times a day whether it be an article, a quip, or just a thought you had that day. Because Twitter feeds move so quickly this social network has the highest amount of acceptable posts per day. Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter, so it would take a lot to annoy your followers or over-share on here.
It is also recommended that you “triple-share” items on Twitter. Triple-share meaning sharing the same thing three times over three separate days. I know you might be skeptical about this at first, but think about it this way: when you’re scrolling through Twitter, it’s a series of quick glances. If something catches your eye, you’ll read it; if not, you’ll just keep on going by. Most people ask if posting the same thing three times will annoy people. The simple answer is no. They are more likely to be curious as to why you want them to view this so badly.
According to our internal data, gathered from helping over 150+ companies optimize their social media marketing strategy, some of the best times to share to Twitter are from 2 to 3 pm, 6 to 6:40 pm, and 7:15 to 8 pm. There are also several spikes that work as great posting times: 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, and 4 pm.
If you use Facebook on a regular basis for personal use, you may have had a time where you just felt like your Facebook friends either posted too often, shared too much information, or a combination of the two. When it comes to using Facebook for professional use it is recommended that you share to once per business day or 20 times a month. This keeps you below the annoying radar in the Facebook algorithm but still allows you to put a large number of posts out there. Facebook has certain times slots at which posts will get the most optimal clicks. The first is between 2 and 4 pm and the second is from 6 to 11 pm. If you target those peaks, you are much more likely to get numerous views.
LinkedIn, the responsible older brother to Facebook has similar peak times for posting including 9 am to 12 pm, from 2 to 4:30 pm, and an evening spike of 6 to 7 pm. Coincidentally, these times align with the typical commuting times of the working professional.
Continuing in its trend of being similar to Facebook, it is recommended you share on LinkedIn three to five times a week. This keeps your posts higher in your connections feeds instead of having them deemed “low quality” by the platform. Another great way to raise your posts in the feeds is to comment on other’s posts. This shows that you are full of insights and that your posts need to be viewed. Lastly, when able, be sure to tag others in your LinkedIn posts and use hashtags. By tagging relevant people and business you increase your chances of having you post viewed by people outside of your network. LinkedIn also has a hashtag follow feature so use relevant hashtags to get your content in front of the eyes who will find it the most valuable.
Do you plan to apply these methods to your social media marketing strategy? If so let us know on social media.