Welcome back to What’s New In ClearView Social, the recurring blog post series in which we discuss the latest updates to our software. This week, we’ll be discussing the end of “ICYMI” and Triple-Posting To Twitter, and introducing Queueing To External Email Subscribers.
As Twitter continues to take steps to prevent spam and abuse problems on their platform, their terms of service continue to evolve. Recently they’ve begun to clamp down on posting duplicate content. From their new Terms of Service (TOS):
You may not use Twitter’s services for the purpose of spamming anyone… Some of the factors that we take into account when determining what conduct is considered to be spamming include… if you post duplicative or substantially similar content, replies, or mentions over multiple accounts or multiple duplicate updates on one account, or create duplicate or substantially similar accounts…
Now, from what we know watching the news, how this is actually playing out is that they are going after some really big offenders—accounts that would post the same tweets hundreds of times from hundreds of accounts; real misuse of the platform. That said, as an official Twitter Developer, we can’t endorse at all doing any kind of activity that contradicts the Twitter Terms of Service. It says not to post multiple duplicate updates to an account, so we won’t be doing that. Effective immediately, ICYMI and Triple-Posting to Twitter are removed from ClearView Social.
This may come back in the future once the smoke clears on Twitter’s new TOS, but our #1 priority at ClearView Social is helping to build your online profile in a way that is effective, easy and safe. So triple posting is on hold.
Queueing To External Email Subscribers
Have you ever wished you could send your queues to people outside your organization, without making them create ClearView Social accounts, log in and connect their social media, etc? Just get straight to the sharing? Now you can, with “Queueing To External Email Subscribers”.
An Email Subscriber is an account that can receive queues and share the content within them, but won’t have access to the most advanced ClearView Social features: one click sharing, seeing leaderboards, Find Out Who, PeakTime, etc. In fact, they’re not full-fledged accounts, and they can’t actually log in. It’s very simple; all they can do is receive queues and share the content within them. But, crucially, all the sharing activity they take will still be tracked, clicks will be recorded, and EMV will be calculated. They’ll even show up on the Leaderboard, so you can see which external Email Subscribers are doing the most.
To create an External Email Subscriber, choose “Email Subscriber” when creating a new account. (If doing a mass upload in a .csv, put “external” as the Role.)
That’s it! From now on, when you Queue to the appropriate groups, the external subscriber will receive a Queue that looks like this:
Notice that there’s no one-click and they won’t be prompted to come to ClearView Social. They’ll just be taken directly to the social network site to share.
If you have any questions, use the Chat in the lower right hand corner of the site to ask away!
For more questions about triple posting, Twitter new TOS or how to start using external email queues, you can email Lindsey Ziccardi, our Director of Customer Success at lindsey@clearviewsocial.com